Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Widening my Perspective on Everything

Since moving into my new flat in August 2006 I have, for the first time in my entire life thus far, lived without a television. This has been harder than I ever could have imagined. Only in its absence have I realised quite how addicted I am to the often mindless audio-visual entertainment which television provides. Before my self-imposed lifestyle change, I watched almost anything, and what’s better (or worse), I was able to find a reason why the pointless programmes I watched were in fact educational and deep. To choose a random example, Wife Swap really does offer a fascinating look at the dystopia of the modern heterosexual couple and the class divides of Britain today. Honestly.

Despite my constant cravings for the agony of sitting through Wife Swap and the like, one of the more positive results of not having a television is that I’ve been forced to look for entertainment and stimuli elsewhere. As a news junkie, none of these is more important than finding alternative means of feeding my news habit. Podcasts from the BBC (Newsnight, possibly the best news and current affairs programme in the world) and the Guardian have quite literally saved me from some serious cold turkey and kept me sane during the darkest winter months.

Online media are a great resource, but still there’s nothing like reading the morning’s paper when it drops through the door. Reading the daily Helsingin Sanomat was something I enjoyed in my old flat, but that too has now come to an end. Nonetheless, this week I took a decisive step to rectify the situation. A friend asked me to pick him up a copy of Kulttuurivihkot (which contained an excellent review of his compositions), and while browsing through the magazines in Akateeminen kirjakauppa I decided to pick up a copy of the New Yorker too, leaving the girl at the counter in no doubt about my political affiliations whatsoever…

What a revelation this magazine turned out to be. Without wanting to sound, in the words of a certain US ambassador, like a ‘superior Brit’, I can honestly say that I’ve never read such high-quality journalism in any other American newspaper or magazine. The articles are interesting and informative, thoughtful and insightful, not to mention the fact that, generally speaking, everything is written with a comforting, cosy left-wing slant. Yesterday I decided to take the plunge and took out a year’s subscription (for only $112 USD including postage to Finland!). Apparently it’ll be another 6-8 weeks before my first copy arrives, but I can’t help thinking it’ll be well worth the wait.

1 comment:

soila said...

Congratulations David, for having disposed of the evil eye in your living room. I just wish I cd do the same, instead of turning the box on at 8.30 "just to watch the news" and then finding I turn it off at 11.30 after having absent-mindedly surfed on channels 1-9 in pursuit of something watchable. Occasionally of course I do bump into something interesting; the other night into a documentary on a 50-something farmer in Illinois who decided to go organic and since then has supplied half the city of Chicago with his produce, instead of almost having gone bankrupt on his vast land. He also likes to dress up as a bee - with a girlfriend of his - and frolick on the fields while someone uses the camcorder. No wonder he had earlier suffered from nasty behaviour of some other farmers in the neighbourhood. Oh and the joys of watching Supernanny. Perhaps, if I am not strong-willed enough to abandon the eyegum, I should start thinking about the digibox and YLE Teema....